Wild Tea and Vibrant Tea Defuser

A sweet tasting tea in a ‘HOT’ container.

Amazon has been a useful tool lately and a great way to send gifts across the country.  I had never heard of The Wild Crew before.  It wasn’t until recently that I was gifted this tea along with this cool drink container.

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The tea is sweet and has a red vibrant color.  There was no need for honey, sugar or cream.  It tasted so great all on its own. You only need a small portion to make such a great flavored tea.  The Wild Crew has a decent selection of teas – all are loose leaf.

Here is where this ‘mug’ comes in handy.  It has a defuser that can be removed if you want to have a different drink (coffee, water, etc).  But if you prefer a good tea… you add a small portion of loose leaf tea, close the lid to the defuser and insert it into the ‘mug’.

I proceeded to heated up some water and poured it over the defuser. I let it slowly steep the tea.  It only took moments to begin smelling the delicious aroma. I made sure to close the ‘mug’ shake and let sit for about 10 minutes.  This container will stay hot for hours so be careful when taking your first sips.


The main reason I have come to enjoy this tea is the fact that I am doing my best to learn how to make my own tea.  When you open the Wild Tea, you see so many different dried fruits, herbs and tea leaves that it makes me think I can make my very own.  I have been learning about loose leaf teas, dehydrators, and much more.  I would love to be able to make another area for jobs to become available when I open my tearoom.  How neat would it be to see  hard working people (mainly those with disabilities) take on a job making delicious loose leaf tea and have the opportunity to see people enjoy it?  I know I would be a proud owner.

If you have any suggestions for delicious loose leaf tea that might be easy to put into steps please feel free to share.



I do not receive compensation for this post. However I do receive compensation if you link on either item through amazon:

Organic Berry Loose Leaf Tea, Wild Tea 6, Herbal Tea With Hibiscus, Elderberry, Currant and Cranberry (4 ounce)“>Wild Tea #6 or VIBRANT ALL IN ONE Travel Mug – TEA INFUSER Bottle WITH 2 PIECE STEEPER STRAINER COMBO – Insulated HOT COFFEE THERMOS – Cold FRUIT INFUSED Water – LEAK PROOF Tumbler Double wall Stainless Steel 17oz“>Vibrant All in One Mug 

If you are interested in other products as well as The Wild Crew tea visit: http://www.wildfoods.co

and follow them on instagram: @WildFoodsCo